Tuesday 31 July 2012

UFS111-Reflection and Vocabulary Entry 5th

UFS 111-5th Reflection
hurrmmm..my feeling for this day class is a little disappointed cause i cant make Miss J.lo lought + happy we are already finished our final project  <news casting comedy> hahahahaha...freedom is mine...and i feel so sad  because  Miss J.lo is not in mood this morning because some of the student was not attend to the class.class dismiss at 10:35am.


Adore -  to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.
consanguinity - relationship by descent from a common ancestor; kinship (distinguished from affinity).
Predilection -  a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality;preference: a predilection for Bach.
Fondness -  tenderness or affection.
Bond -   something that binds a person or persons to a certain 

UFS111-Reflection and Vocabulary Entry 4th

UFS 111-4th Reflection
urm...i think i got nothing today because the d**m bus came late.i know they have they own reason to came late but we pay to them.we apply PT and we also have to pay it back..so be more responsible to your job.. By the way, to day we got class with miss Atee and she didn't even mad at us for coming late cause we already explain to her about the problem we being late.(better late than never).that why i like miss Atie..she can understand his student..hehehehe

UFS 111- 4th Vocabulary Entry
Required-to need something. Require is more formal than need.
Kinship - the state or fact of being of kin;  family relationship.
Adore -  to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.
Faithfully -  true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.
Emotional -  pertaining to or involving emotion  or the emotions.

UFS111-Reflection and Vocabulary Entry 3rd

UFS 111-3rd Reflection

Firsly i want to talk about what i had learn today.i learn about   grammar parts where include simple present,passive voice,active voice ,phrasal verb  and many more.theme???hahahaha..i dont know..but  today we were discussed about our assignment'News casting - comedy report' that will present before final exam.Miss Atee was disappointed because her students still not prepare anythings about this assignment.Miss Atee also inform us about the assignment to avoid any problem while the presentation day.i afraid i cant make miss J.lo lougth..:( 

p/s :: i like this guy..so good in joking...ahahahaha

 UFS 111-3rd vocabulary entry
poultry -birds that people keep on farms for thier eggs or thier meat.
imaginary -  Having existence only in the imagination; unreal.
Switch over - To change or be change from one thing to another
drop off -  Take something or someone to a place and leave it or them there.
composed - serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress

UFS111- Reflection and Vocabulary Entry 2nd

UFS 111- 2nd Reflection

today i had learn about verb agreement that means the subject in choosing between singular and plural..hahahaha.i think Theme for this class is GROWING UP. i like this quotes about  GROWING UP so i put it in my reflection..

You wake up but not really. In the bedroom you grew up in. It's the only place on this entire planet that is yours. The only place on the planet that understands you. It understands the way your nerves flare everytime you think about talking to anyone, scared into shyness at the thought of opening your mouth but the way you are the best hypocrite around when you're in front of a microphone. It knows what turns that switch on and off and on again. It understands the way when you don't have a smile on your face everyone only spits: "what's wrong"s and "you look tired"s. So the way you keep it on your face just wide enough to avoid questions. It understands how neurotic you have become, the way you treat your flaws like old friends. The way you look in the mirror and think of yourself as "Mr. Misery"...

UFS 111-2nd Vocabulary Entry

Symptom - visible sign which shows that something is happening
Struggle- to try very hard to do something, especially when it is difficult
Subordinate- having less power or authority that subject else, less important that something else
Sacked- to tell an employee that they can no longer work for you (because of bad work, bad behavior)
Took off - leave by plane, depart on a plane

UFS111-Reflection and Vocabulary Entry 1st

UFS111 1st  Entry Reflection
 today miss Atie told us about her class.all the this that she dont like.example thing that miss atie or i mostly like call miss Atie as J,lo...ahahahaha...back to my real story,J.lo dont like distruction because J.lo dont want us make something that interfere his class..she also want us to find paste tense in song << Someone Like You by Adele > .theme fos this day class iss about love.all people have they own love.love with God,Family and etc

 UFS 111-1st  vocabulary entry

Boundaries- a real or imagined line that marks the limits of something and divides it from other places or things
Novelty- the quality of being new and different
Complement-a thing that goes together well with something else
Gorgeous- extremely pleasant or attractive
Heartbeat - regular noise made by the heart as it pumps blood